
Choosing an Insurance Policy for Your Home in Mexico


Obtaining a home insurance policy that covers your physical house, your personal goods and any watercraft your own, as well as getting coverage for third party liabilities will mitigate your risks and expenses in the event of unforeseen circumstances related to your home in Mexico.

This article introduces you to property insurance choices and guides you through important considerations as you search for and choose a home insurance policy for your needs and lifestyle situation.

Principal coverages offered by insurance policies for your home in Mexico

Depending on your needs, circumstances, and budget, you can insure your property entirely or partially.

The insurance premium will depend on key variables related to the risks you want underwritten, including: the location and type of your property, its age and replacement cost, and what events you want coverage for.

You can insure your home in Mexico for:

  • Structural damage caused by natural phenomena like wind, floods, earthquakes and hurricanes, as well as damage caused by acts of vandalism and burglary (owners only).
  • Loss or damage of personal possessions in the event of flooding or theft (whether you own or rent).
  • Third party liabilities related to owning or renting property, for examples if a tree falls on your neighbor’s house or your housekeeper is injured while working in your home (whether you own or rent).

Get an online quote and arrange your home coverage

Obtain a online quote and organize coverage for your home in Mexico (whether you own or rent) in minutes with our home insurance associate, MexPro.

Quote and coverage: Get a quote and arrange instant coverage online

Property insurance policies in Mexico

Property insurance policies in Mexico are different to policies sold in the U.S. and Canada. The policy wording is different, and the types of coverages offered are different, so some things that you might think are included as standard, might not be if you purchase your insurance in Mexico directly from a Mexican insurer.

To bridge this gap, specialist companies based in the U.S. have developed property ownership insurance coverages which reflect the wording, terms, and coverages typically included on US and Canadian policies.

The insurance itself is underwritten by Mexican insurance companies (by law, it must be this way), but the U.S. companies work in partnership with Mexican underwriters to create an insurance coverage that is familiar to those purchasing insurance in the US and Canada (or those who want a US-style policy), and which is legally valid under Mexican law.

Some homeowners in Mexico purchase property insurance from a Mexican insurer direct that charges premiums in Mexican pesos and pays out in Mexican pesos; others purchase from a specialist US-based company that offers US style insurance with premiums in US dollars and pay outs in US dollars.

Get an online quote and arrange your home coverage

Obtain a online quote and organize coverage for your home in Mexico (whether you own or rent) in minutes with our home insurance associate, MexPro.

Quote and coverage: Get a quote and arrange instant coverage online

Buying insurance for your home in Mexico

Should you buy your insurance from a local Mexican broker or a specialized US firm?  Here are some key points to consider about each route:

Buying from an insurance broker in Mexico

When you buy home insurance from a Mexican broker you will typically:

  • obtain coverages sold with Mexican-style terms and characteristics, often different to those offered in the US and Canada and which may offer less coverages or have limitations you are not accustomed to;
  • have policy wording presented in Spanish, so you will need to be able to read Spanish fluently or have someone translate and/or explain the policy terms to you;
  • need to file insurance claims in Spanish and any discussions or disputes about claims will need to be argued in Spanish; you will need to get an interpreter to deal with claims if your Spanish is not that good;
  • pay your insurance premiums in Mexican pesos and any claims will be paid out in Mexican pesos.

Buying insurance from a specialist US firm

When you buy home insurance from a specialist US firm you will typically:

  • obtain coverages sold with US-style terms with the same kinds of characteristics you see on insurance policies offered in the US and Canada;
  • have a policy sold and worded in English;
  • be able to file claims and undertake discussions about claims in English;
  • pay your premiums in US dollars with any claims paid out to you in US dollars.

Should you choose a Mexico or US based home insurance policy?

If your Spanish is good, you have a decent local insurance broker contact, and you’re satisfied with the coverages offered by a Mexican-style insurance policy, then a local insurance policy will suffice, although there’s no harm in obtaining a quote offered by US-based policies to compare coverages and rates.

We recommend that you consider the services of US-based specialists set-up specifically to service foreign-home ownership in Mexico if your Spanish is not fluent and if you don’t have much experience of buying insurance in Mexico.

It’s also important to consider that, in the event you need to claim, you will find yourself in a stressful situation, and having an insurer that has issued a policy in English, in terms you are familiar with, and covering events which you are used to seeing covered in an insurance policy will be worth any additional premium on the day you may need to make that telephone call to file a claim.

Further, US-led policies can include coverages (for example, third-party liability cover) as standard, whereas many Mexican policies do not cover these without them being specifically scheduled—and with significant additional premiums.

Get an online quote and arrange your home coverage

Obtain a online quote and organize coverage for your home in Mexico (whether you own or rent) in minutes with our home insurance associate, MexPro.

Quote and coverage: Get a quote and arrange instant coverage online

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