Curious Ancient Prairie Mystery In Washington Scientists Cannot Solve – Maybe You Have An Idea What Happened?


Ellen Lloyd – AncientPages.com – Scientists from diverse disciplines have shared their theories, yet despite numerous proposals, the mystery remains unsolved, leaving us without a clear explanation of past events. Washington’s ancient prairie enigma captivates our curiosity, and perhaps when it is finally unraveled, we may encounter surprises.

Curious Ancient Prairie Mystery In Washington Scientists Cannot Solve – Maybe You Have An Idea What Happened?

As we delve into this ancient puzzle, we encounter a number of thought-provoking questions that elude definitive answers.  We have many hypotheses. Are these land formations the result of natural processes or human ingenuity? If they are man-made, what roles did they play in history? With Native Americans inhabiting the region for at least 7,000 years, what insights might they offer about these enigmatic sites? Where are the lost artifacts—were they ever discovered? Who constructed the unusually peculiar underground tunnels?

Archaeologists, historians, geologists, biologists, astronomers—and even amateur investigators —all propose different explanations and naturally find themselves at odds. Perhaps you have your own thoughts on who or what lies behind Washington State’s ancient prairie mystery.

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