
Insurance for Your Mexican-plated Car in the USA & Canada


In the same way that owners of US- and Canadian-plated vehicles who drive to Mexico need to get a top-up insurance policy to cover third party liabilities in Mexico, drivers of Mexican-plated vehicles driving the car abroad must purchase a top-up policy that covers them outside of Mexico.

Taking a Mexican-plated car to the US & Canada

Foreign residents living in Mexico with Permanent Residency cannot keep a foreign-plated car in Mexico outside one of the designated free zones.

If you hold Permanent Residency in Mexico and live outside one of the free zones, you might own a Mexican-plated vehicle, and you might want to drive it to the USA or Canada on short visits—usually up to six months.

Your Mexican insurance policy probably covers damage to your own vehicle and loss of any personal items inside of it when the car is outside of Mexico (check the policy); however, it will not cover third party liabilities in the USA and Canada in the event of an accident. A special top-up insurance policy is needed.

Short-term third-party liability insurance

Policies for Mexican-plated vehicles driving into the USA and Canada can be purchased on a short-term basis only—you select the number of days you intend to visit the US/Canada as part of the quotation process.

The insurance policy will:

  • Cover you in the event of an accident in the USA or Canada and provide third party liability coverage up to the value of the coverage stated on the policy.
  • Provide a limited amount of coverage for medical expenses—sufficient to cover very minor incidents, but insufficient for a serious situation, so a separate medical coverage policy is recommended.
  • Provide roadside assistance in the event of a vehicle breakdown while you’re outside of Mexico, and legal assistance—as described in the policy.
  • You can optionally purchase other defined coverages in addition to those listed above for an extra fee.

These policies are not intended to provide comprehensive coverage but instead top-up your Mexican insurance to cover you for damages in the event of an accident or other incident involving third parties while you’re driving in the USA or Canada.

Online quote for Mexican-plated vehicles in the USA & Canada

Our insurance associate, MexPro, can provide you with an instant online quote to insure your Mexican-plated vehicle for third party coverage in the USA and Canada.

Get a Quote Now

Learn more about driving in Mexico

Mexperience offers articles with insights to help you prepare for your road trip and drive confidently in Mexico.

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