
Scaling neural machine translation to 200 languages



This section describes the steps taken to design our language identification system and bitext mining protocol.

Language identification

To train language identification models, we used fasttext33,51, which has been widely used for text classification tasks because of its simplicity and speed. We embedded character-level n-grams from the input text and leveraged a multiclass linear classifier on top. The lightweight nature of fasttext enables our LID models to handle web-scale data. Furthermore, a linear model has the benefit of being easily explainable, allowing us to trace any classification error back to its root cause. This is instrumental in addressing common pitfalls that arise when detecting language on web corpora32.

Classifier design

We experimented with two different designs. First, we used a combination of multiple binary classifiers in which the final decision was obtained by selecting the language with the highest score after applying a threshold. We applied threshold optimization so that when the confidence of a classifier is low, the corresponding language is not considered for the final decision. A sentence was filtered out if none of the classifiers surpassed its threshold. Second, we built a multiclass classifier using softmax over all possible languages. In this case, the threshold optimization is done after the softmax.

Our results directed us to focus on the second approach, which offers several advantages. First, changing the threshold for one language did not affect the performance of the other (which is not true in the first setting). Second, this approach generalizes better to out-of-domain data, which is our primary use case (Wikipedia → web data). Finally, a single classifier has the added benefit of being computationally simpler, thus streamlining the language identification process.

Training data and handling massive class imbalance

We used publicly available datasets to train our LID system, partially covering our languages of interest. The public datasets deployed were mostly built from web pages such as CommonCrawl. We then supplemented these with NLLB-Seed data (Supplementary Information B) for any missing languages. However, this supplementation is insufficient in ensuring balance in the raw training data32,30. For example, English alone represents 10.1% of our training data, whereas Minangkabau (Latin script) represents only 0.06%. Following ref. 10, we experimented with multiple settings of temperature upsampling for underrepresented languages, in which sentences from a language l representing pl per cent of the data set are sampled proportionally to \({p}_{l}^{1/T}\). Optimal performance was obtained at 1/T = 0.3 (for more details, see section 5.1 of ref. 34).

Training parameters

Our best-performing model was trained with softmax loss over two epochs with a learning rate of 0.8 and embeddings with 256 dimensions. We discarded words with less than a thousand occurrences after upsampling and selecting a minimum and maximum character n-gram length of two and five, respectively (which were assigned a slot in buckets of size 1,000,000). (In fasttext, we refer to ‘word’ when it is separated by spaces. When it is a non-segmenting language, there is only one ‘word’ for the whole sentence (and we take character n-grams)). All hyperparameters were tuned on FLORES-200 dev (see section 5.1.2 of ref. 34).

Improving LID with linguistic analysis

Language identification is a challenging task in which numerous failure modes exist, often exacerbated by the gaps between the clean data on which LID models are trained and noisy data on which LID models are applied. In other words, LID models trained in a supervised manner on fluently written sentences may have difficulty identifying grammatically incorrect and incomplete strings extracted from the web. Furthermore, models can easily learn spurious correlations that are not meaningful for the task itself. Given these challenges, we collaborated closely with a team of linguists throughout different stages of LID development to identify proper focus areas, mitigate issues and explore solutions (see section 5.1.3 of ref. 34).

Bitext mining

The overall approach for bitext mining focused on starting with a massively multilingual sentence encoder teacher model and adapting it to several different low-resource student models. This approach enabled us to add low-resource languages without competing with high-resource languages for capacity. Doing so circumvents the need to retrain the entire model from scratch while maintaining compatibility with the multilingual embedding spaces for subsequent mining. Extended data Fig. 1 summarizes the overall architecture of the teacher–student approach. The teacher, LASER2, is an improved version of the open-source LASER encoder ( The original training procedure36 was adapted to include SentencePiece tokenization (including a vocabulary of 7,000 tokens) and the upsampling of low-resource languages.

The architecture of the five-layer BiLSTM encoder and the max pooling method to obtain sentence embeddings were left unchanged. The training was then performed on the same 93 languages with public resources obtained from OPUS52. See ref. 36 for details on the original LASER training procedure. Training of the students followed the approach described in greater detail in ref. 21, summarized below:

  • students specialized in one language or several similar languages;

  • students were randomly initialized because we wanted to handle low-resource language for which we did not have a pre-trained language model;

  • students may have a dedicated SentencePiece vocabulary different from the teacher to better accommodate scripts and tokens in the student languages;

  • as we used cosine distance for bitext mining (Fig. 1), students learnt to minimize the cosine loss with the teacher;

  • students can have an MLM loss to leverage student language monolingual data (Fig. 1).

Training parameters

Our student encoders used a 12-layer transformer with a hidden size of 1,024, four attention heads, and around 250 million parameters. All students were trained with available bitexts in their respective language, complemented by 2 million sentences of English/English and English/Spanish. The motivation behind this approach is to anchor the students to the English embedding space, increasing robustness by including English/Spanish bitexts from CCMatrix and allowing for the joint learning of new languages. This technique is particularly useful when only limited amounts of bitexts are available to train the students. Teacher–student training was performed on 16 GPUs, the ADAM optimizer, a learning rate of 0.0005 and a batch size of 10,000. We trained student encoders for 148 languages and named these models LASER3.

Proxy metric for new encoders

Mined bitexts were subsequently used to improve translation quality for the languages of NLLB-200. However, mining and NMT training are computationally expensive, and it is intractable to perform this evaluation systematically for many different sentence encoder variants. As an evaluation proxy, we used a mining-based multilingual similarity search error rate, referred to here as xsim. In contrast to cosine accuracy, which aligns embeddings based on the highest cosine score, xsim aligns source and target embeddings based on the highest margin score, which has been shown to be beneficial in mining53. The margin-based score is defined as

$${\rm{score}}(x,y)={\rm{margin}}\left(\cos (x,y),\sum _{z\in N{N}_{k}(x)}\frac{\cos (x,z)}{2k}+\sum _{v\in N{N}_{k}(\,y)}\frac{\cos (\,y,v)}{2k}\right)$$


where x and y are the source and target sentences, and NNk(x) denotes the k nearest neighbours of x in the other language. We set k to 4. All xsim results are calculated on FLORES-200 devtest, using the ratio margin, where margin(a, b) = a/b. Moreover, all scores are calculated for translations into English (that is, xxx → eng). English is encoded by the teacher, and the other language is encoded by the LASER3 student. To facilitate further research using xsim, we also provide this evaluation method as an open-source resource (

End-to-end encoder evaluation

Once we had identified the best sentence encoder for each language using the xsim scores, we performed mining, added the mined data to the existing bitexts and trained a bilingual NMT system. Initial experiments indicated that a threshold on the margin of 1.06 seems to be the best compromise between precision and recall for most languages. For these NMT baselines, we do not apply extra filtering on the bitexts and leave this to the training procedure of our massively multilingual NMT system.

We did not attempt to optimize the architecture and parameters of the bilingual NMT systems to the characteristics of each language pair but used the same architecture for all. Therefore, the reported results should not be interpreted as the best possible ones given the available resources—they are mainly provided to validate the mined bitexts. We used a 12-layer encoder and decoder and trained for 100 epochs. Moreover, we looked for the best performance on the FLORES-200 development set and report detokenized BLEU on the FLORES-200 devtest.


In this section, we first describe the multilingual machine translation task setup, which includes tokenization and base model architecture. Then, we outline how we leveraged conditional computation for massively multilingual machine translation with EOM regulation and our Curriculum Learning (CL) strategy for low-resource languages.

Task setup

We modelled multilingual NMT as a sequence-to-sequence task, in which we conditioned on an input sequence in the source language with an encoder and generated the output sequence in the expected target language with a decoder54. With the source sentence S, source language s, and target language t in hand, we trained to maximize the probability of the translation in the target language T—that is, P(TS, s, t). Below, we discuss details of the (1) tokenization of the text sequences in the source and target languages; and (2) model architecture with the input and output designed specifically for multilingual machine translation. For further details on the task setup, such as the amount of training data per language pair, please refer to Supplementary Information F or section 8 of ref. 34.

Segmentation with SentencePiece

To tokenize our text sequences, we trained a single SentencePiece model (SPM)55 for all languages. We sampled a total of 100 million sentences from primary bitext data. To ensure low-resource languages are well-represented in the vocabulary, we downsampled high-resource and upsampled low-resource languages with a sampling temperature of five (ref. 10). Notably, vocabulary size is an important hyperparameter in multilingual translation models involving low-resource languages56,57,58. The vocabulary size of our trained SPM model is 256,000. Such a large vocabulary ensures adequate representation across the wide spectrum of languages we support.

Model architecture

Our sequence-to-sequence multilingual machine translation model is based on the transformer encoder–decoder architecture59. The encoder transforms the source token sequence into a sequence of token embeddings. Then, the decoder attends to the encoder output and autoregressively generates the target sentence token by token. More precisely, the encoder takes the sequence of tokens W = (w1, …, wS) and the source language s, and produces a sequence of embeddings H = (h1, …, hS), which are then provided to the decoder with the target language t to produce the target tokens V = (v1, …, vT) sequentially. In sum,

$$H={\rm{encoder}}(W,\,{{\ell }}_{{\rm{s}}}),$$


$$\forall i\in [1,\ldots ,T],\,{v}_{i+1}={\rm{decoder}}(H,\,{{\ell }}_{{\rm{t}}},\,{v}_{1},\,\ldots ,\,{v}_{i}).$$


Note that we prefixed the source sequence with the source language, as opposed to the target language, as done in previous work10,60. We did so because we prioritized optimizing the zero-shot performance of our model on any pair of 200 languages at a minor cost to supervised performance. Empirically, we find zero-shot performance to be negatively affected when conditioning the encoder on the target language. When the source is conditioned on only the source language, the encoder generalizes better to pairs of source and target languages not encountered during training1.

Conditional computation for multilingual machine translation

A massively multilingual translation (MMT) model uses the same shared model capacity to train on several translation directions simultaneously. While doing so can lead to beneficial cross-lingual transfer between related languages, it can also add to the risk of interference between unrelated languages1,61. MoE models are a type of conditional computational models62,63 that activate a subset of model parameters per input, as opposed to dense models that activate all model parameters per input. MoE models unlock marked representational capacity while maintaining the same inference and training efficiencies in terms of FLOPs compared with the core dense architecture.

However, as we increase the model capacity and the computational cost per update, the propensity for low or very low-resource languages to overfit increases, thus causing performance to deteriorate. In this section, we examine how we can use Sparsely Gated Mixture of Experts models2,3,4,5,6,7 to achieve a more optimal trade-off between cross-lingual transfer and interference and improve performance for low-resource languages.

Sparsely gated mixture of experts

To build our MoE models, we substitute a quarter of the encoder and decoder feed-forward network layers with MoE layers, each with E distinct experts. We followed the Top-k-Gating algorithm in ref. 4 and dispatched each token to at most k = 2 experts. For more details on the training of MoE models, see Supplementary Information E.

Expert output masking

In this proposed regularization strategy, we masked the expert output for a random fraction (peom) of the input tokens. For input tokens with dropped expert outputs, the first and/or second expert is effectively skipped. As shown in the second panel of Extended data Fig. 2, we masked both experts for the first token (x1 in red), chose not to mask any of the expert outputs for the second token (x2 in blue) and in the final scenario, masked only one expert for the last token (x3 in green).

Curriculum learning for MMT

Orthogonal to model-side regularization methods such as dropout, we explored regularizing MMT models by means of CL. We proposed starting training with high-resource pairs first, then introducing low-resource pairs—prone to overfitting—in later phases. To derive the phases of the curriculum, we first trained a vanilla MoE model (without CL), followed by partitioning the translation directions into n bins {b1, …, bn}. If T is the total number of training updates, we introduced each bin bi after T − ki updates. We based when \({({k}_{i})}_{i}\) and what \({({b}_{i})}_{i}\) directions to add at every phase of the step when we observed a language pair starting to overfit. Review the step-based CL algorithm in ref. 64 for more on how the directions are partitioned. See Supplementary Information E.2 for the list of directions added at each stage.


Automatic evaluation

Many automatic translation quality assessment metrics exist, including model-based ones such as COMET65 and BLEURT66. Although model-based metrics have shown better correlation with human judgement in recent metrics shared tasks of the WMT43, they require training and are not easily extendable to a large set of low-resource languages. In this work, we rely on BLEU (and a variant of it) and chrF++. Both measures draw on the idea that translation quality can be quantified based on how similar a machine translation output is compared with that produced by a human translator.


The BLEU score44 has been the standard metric for machine translation evaluation since its inception two decades ago. It measures the overlap between machine and human translations by combining the precision of 1-grams to 4-grams with a brevity penalty. The main disadvantage of BLEU is that it is tokenization-dependent. Efforts such as sacrebleu67 have taken strides towards standardization, supporting the use of community-standard tokenizers under the hood. However, these tokenizers do not extend to many languages. Reference 41 proposes spBLEU, a BLEU metric based on a standardized SentencePiece model (SPM) covering 101 languages, released alongside FLORES-101. In this work, we provide SPM-200 along with FLORES-200 to enable the measurement of spBLEU. (Our analyses demonstrate that there are minor differences between SPM-200 from FLORES-200 and SPM-100 from FLORES-101 when measuring on the FLORES-101 languages. The major advantage of SPM-200 is that it covers 200 languages. More details on SPM-200 are reported in section 8.1.1 of ref. 34).


The chrF++ score38 overcomes the limitation of the BLEU score, which requires that a sentence can be broken up into word tokens. However, some languages, such as Chinese or Thai, do not use spaces to separate words, and word segmentation tools may not be readily available. There is also a concern about highly agglutinative languages in which BLEU fails to assign any credit to morphological variants. chrF++ overcomes these weaknesses by basing the overlap calculation on character-level n-grams F-score (n ranging from 1 to 6) and complementing with word unigrams and bi-grams. In this work, we primarily evaluated using chrF++ using the settings from sacrebleu. However, when comparing with other published work, we used BLEU and spBLEU where appropriate.

Human evaluation methodology

When building machine translation systems for thousands of different language pairs, a core question is which pairs reach certain levels of quality. Therefore, we needed meaningful scores that are comparable across language pairs.

XSTS evaluation protocol

We adapted the recently proposed XSTS methodology48. In short, XSTS is a human evaluation protocol focusing on meaning preservation above fluency. See details on this protocol in Supplementary Information F. For low-resource languages, translations are usually of poorer quality, and so we focused more on usable (that is, meaning-preserving) translations, even if they are not fully fluent. Compared with Direct Assessment68 with a 5-point scale (the original direct assessment uses a 100-point scale), it is found that XSTS yields higher inter-annotator agreement47. XSTS rates each source sentence and its machine translation on a 5-point scale, in which 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest.

Calibration set

To enable meaningful scores comparable across language pairs, we asked each evaluator to provide assessments using the XSTS scale on precisely the same set of sentence pairs. This aims to identify annotators who have a systematic tendency to be more harsh or generous in their scoring and correct for this effect. The calibration set consists of the machine translation output paired with the reference translation only in English. Based on how evaluators used the XSTS scale on this calibration set, we adjusted their raw scores on the actual evaluation task to ensure consistency across evaluators. Although this monolingual calibration task does not precisely mimic the bilingual XSTS task, it is a reasonable first approximation and has been shown to increase the correlation between human and automatic metrics primarily by reducing one source of ‘noise’ in the human evaluations—the lack of score calibration between annotators.

Obtaining aggregated human quality metrics from multiple studies

To obtain an aggregate human quality metric for each language direction in an evaluation study, we take the majority XSTS score (that is, mean–median score) for each sentence and average these majority scores over all evaluated sentences. In a given study, the aggregate human evaluation score for any translation direction ls → lt is

$${H}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}=\frac{1}{| {{\mathcal{T}}}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}| }\sum _{(S,T)\in {{\mathcal{T}}}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}}{\rm{median}}\{{X}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}},i}(S,T)| 1\le i\le {M}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}\},$$


where ls and lt denote the source language and the target language, respectively; \({X}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}},i}(S,T)\) denotes the XSTS score of the ith evaluator who evaluates sentences in a given translation direction ls → lt for a source sentence S and a target sentence T; \({M}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}\) denotes the total number of evaluators who evaluate the (source, translation) sentence pair (S, T) for translation direction ls → lt; \({{\mathcal{T}}}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}=\{({S}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}},k},{T}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}},k})| 1\le k\le {N}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}\}\) is the set of \({N}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}\) (source, translation) sentence pairs being evaluated for translation direction ls → lt.

Every evaluator in a given study s is also asked to provide ratings for all or parts of a calibration set—\({{\mathcal{C}}}_{s}=\{({S}_{s,k},{T}_{s,k})| 1\le k\le {K}_{s}\}\). Ss,k denotes the kth source sentence in the calibration set for an evaluation study; s, Ts,k denotes the translated sentence corresponding to Ss,k; and \({K}_{s}=| {{\mathcal{C}}}_{s}| \) is the number of sentence pairs in the calibration set for an evaluation study.

For each language direction evaluated in a study, we obtained the majority score on the calibration set as follows:

$${C}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}^{(s)}=\frac{1}{| {{\mathcal{C}}}_{s}| }\sum _{(S,T)\in {{\mathcal{C}}}_{s}}{\rm{median}}\{{X}_{l,i}^{(s)}(S,T)| 1\le i\le {M}_{{l}_{{\rm{s}}}\to {l}_{{\rm{t}}}}^{(s)}\},$$


where \({X}_{l,i}^{(s)}(S,T)\) denotes the XSTS score provided by the ith evaluator, for the language direction ls → lt, in study s, for a given source sentence S and a translated sentence T, in the calibration set \({{\mathcal{C}}}_{s}\) of the study.

To obtain aggregated calibrated XSTS scores on the language direction level, we explored several different calibration methodologies. None of the calibration methods we investigated showed a marked difference in correlation with automated scores, and all calibration methodologies we explored provided superior correlation compared with uncalibrated XSTS scores. For more details on these calibration methodologies, see section 7.2 of ref. 34.

Added toxicity detection for 200 languages

To enable toxicity detection at scale, we used a detector based on word lists. In this section, we provide more details about our toxicity definition and describe the detector (ETOX) and associated word lists.

Toxic content

Owing to the subjective nature of toxicity, definitions of toxic language can vary. We included items that are commonly referred to as vulgar or profane language. (Note that vulgar or profane language is not always necessarily toxic. Some common slang, for instance, may be considered vulgar but is not necessarily toxic). Moreover, we also included items associated with depictions of pornographic content or sexual acts, some frequently used hate speech expressions and some expressions tied to bullying. We also included items, vulgar or not, referring to body parts that are commonly associated with sexual practices.

The ETOX detector

We started with the assumption that general-purpose machine translation systems should remain faithful to the source content and not add any toxic elements during the translation process. We define toxic elements as word tokens or short phrases present in our lists. ETOX identifies added toxicity using the following two criteria: number of toxic items and matched or non-matched toxicity. A toxic item is considered detected if it is present in a line and surrounded by spaces or the start or end of a line. ETOX tracks the number of unique toxic items found in a line but does not count a phrase again if it has multiple occurrences. Matched toxicity indicates that the number of toxic items is the same in both the source and the translated content (that is, no added toxicity). Added toxicity is an instance of non-matched toxicity in which more toxic items are found in the translation output than in the source. For non-segmenting languages or some languages that use complex diacritics, space tokenization is insufficient to distinguish words from one another. In those cases, we used SentencePiece tokenization of both the sentence and toxicity word list.

Toxicity-200 lists

Lists are based on professional translations from English, which were then heuristically adapted by linguists to better serve the target language. As toxicity is culturally sensitive, attempting to find equivalents in a largely multilingual setting constitutes a challenge when starting from one source language. To address this issue, translators were allowed to forgo translating some of the source items and add more culturally relevant items.

In the initial release of the Toxicity-200 lists, the average number of items in a toxicity detection list was 271 entries, whereas the median number of entries was 143. The latter may be a better measure of central tendency than the mean average, given that languages with a rich inflectional morphology constitute extreme outliers (for example, the Czech list had 2,534 entries and the Polish list 2,004). The shortest list had 36 entries, and the longest 6,078.

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