
The Enjoyment of Mexico’s Refreshing Rainy Season


Mexico’s rainy season brings refreshment and color to the landscape and welcome respite from the dry season.  The rains start (generally) in May/June and run through to October each year—sometimes spilling over into November.

Traveling in Mexico during the rainy season

You can usually tell when a thunderstorm is approaching; you’ll feel the air temperature drop, the wind might pick-up suddenly, you may hear thunder and see lightning and the dark rain clouds roll-in before the heavens open up.

However, sometimes cloud cover that looks benign and that has shed no moisture for hours can suddenly and unexpectedly drop a bucket of rain on you within a couple of minutes: beware of this when you’re on an afternoon walk, or driving on otherwise dry roads.

Getting caught out in a heavy thunderstorm will likely get you drenched right through to your skin.  If you’re out walking and there’s no place to take shelter, the rains will be intense enough, at times, to make you feel as if someone has emptied a bucket of water over your head.  A strong umbrella might help provided the winds are calm; small, fragile, umbrellas will be of limited use during a seasonal rain storm in Mexico.

Driving during Mexico’s rain season

Most major highways in Mexico have adequate drainage systems, but it’s as well to look out for areas where water may have built-up, especially around long, winding, bends and where the road topography doesn’t lend itself to immediate drainage.

Drivers on Mexico’s highways don’t always regulate their speed during rain storms, so be extra vigilant.  Also, it’s prudent to check your tire tread after the dry season as balding tires can cause lethal skidding when the rains start.

Extreme care needs to be taken on mountain roads and remote byways which, in addition to becoming a driving hazard in torrential rain storms, may also suffer soil erosion that can cause landslides.  It’s not uncommon to see collapsed sections of road on byways and rural roads in remote areas of Mexico caused by sudden and massive storms during the rain season.

Having an adequate auto insurance policy for your road trip in Mexico is essential to help you deal with any unforeseen mishaps caused by heavy storms.

An experience in its own right

Harboring under a canopy, balcony, or similar shelter and witnessing a strong thunderstorm in Mexico can offer a rewarding experience.  The thunder and lightning show can be spectacular and, combined with an extraordinary amount of water falling in short order from the sky, the event is exhilarating to the senses.

After the storms pass, the air feels fresh, the sun may come out again (early storms), and you can enjoy the sweet aromatic smell of the flora which become greatly accentuated by the damp air.  In Mexico City, where the air quality can become an issue in the winter and dry spring climate, the rains also provide a welcome cleansing of the air.

Although some people try to avoid visiting Mexico during the rain season, the choice may be unfounded as there are several advantages to being in Mexico during the rainy season: read about enjoying the experience of Mexico’s seasonal rains for further insights about this.

Longer-lasting rain spells

On some occasions, if a tropical depression moves-in to the area or region where you’re situated (these tend to be most prevalent during the hurricane season), the rains may linger-on with overcast skies or drizzle continuing for up to a few days.

More often, the seasonal rain storms arrive and pass quickly, or morning cloud and mist brought by overnight storms evaporates swiftly as the sun rises throughout the morning hours.  When the weather system causing the depression passes, the cycle returns to its usual pattern, delivering bright sunny skies the following morning.

Living with Mexico’s rainy season

If you live in Mexico, the rainy season may cause some practical inconveniences on occasions. For detailed insights and tips read our article about living well thorough Mexico’s rainy season.

Local flooding

Localized temporary flooding is the most common side-effect, which is not entirely surprising given the sheer quantity of water that falls in a short period.  Roads, especially in cities and built-up towns, may become inundated and traffic may come to a standstill, especially if a car breaks-down on your route.

Wind storms and power cuts

Power cuts can be another side-effect of thunderstorms.  Persistent heavy rains, lightning, and wind storms are the key factors which cause most power-outages during the rainy season, as most power cables and in Mexico are situated overhead and thus are susceptible to the elements.  Power cuts may last from a few minutes to several hours.

On some occasions, the storms might cause a power cut that lasts for a day or more, especially if lightning strikes a major sub-station or local transformer, or if strong winds blow down a major power line.  Roof flooding is another thing to look out for: most homes in Mexico have flat roofs, and it’s good practice to regularly check the roof of your house (or condo building) and ensure they are clear of any debris, branches, leaves, etc. which may block drainage channels and cause water pools to form on your roof space.

Other practical matters

The rain season is also the time of year when mosquitoes are most active.  Our article about dealing with mosquitoes offers practical advice.

For residents living in houses located in rural or semi-rural locations with systems that collect rain water for use in the home, the seasonal rains provide a regular and welcome top-up to the property’s water cisterns or a community’s local aquifer as well as bringing the garden’s plants and grass back to their full color and glory.

See also: living well thorough Mexico’s rainy season.

Discover Mexico’s seasons

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